Folio 135: Richard Hale, Sheerness. Sir Edward Gregory has passed him part of the letter…

Description: Folio 135: Richard Hale, Sheerness. Sir Edward Gregory has passed him part of the letter about Mr. Butler's bills. For the bill which was issued at Sheerness, the straight timber was less than the contract called for, but thought he could sign it because the compass timber exceeded the contract by much more. He should have noted the discrepancies on the back of the bill. The other two bills did not record the quantities actually delivered. Will not make this mistake again. He has seen many bills passed in the same way at Portsmouth. PS. He will send the books of the 3rd Rates, which have arrived at Sheerness, by the next waterboats. Enclosed in f134.
Date: 20/02/1693
Last import: September 11, 2017

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