Folio 124: Richard Hale, Sheerness, to Sir Edward Gregory. Is sending his and John Daniell’s…

Description: Folio 124: Richard Hale, Sheerness, to Sir Edward Gregory. Is sending his and John Daniell's reply to the query about Mr. Butler's bills. The Clerk of the Cheque and the Master Shipwright were told that they were not to be paid until the contract was completed. They will comply with the order about removing the R from Seamen who return to their ships. They have made a note in the books of the Sandwich of the charge against Mr. Johnson, the 4th Lieutenant, over the loss of the well-boat. He has told the Officers that the Garland's boat has been ordered from Deptford, and passed them the warrant for the receipt of stores for the 4th Rate. PS. He asks for extra funds. Enclosed in f123.
Date: 13/02/1693
Last import: September 11, 2017

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