Folio 442. To: The General Board of Health. From: Charles Hyde, 33 Ely Place, Holborn,…

Description: Folio 442. To: The General Board of Health. From: Charles Hyde, 33 Ely Place, Holborn, London. Subject Matter: Letter calling attention to his letter of the 9 July 1849, on the subject of the new London fever Hospital and requesting the requisite certificate to allow the Committee to commence a removal of patients to the new building without loss of time. Hyde states that he has received no reply to that letter. He repeats his request and warns that without the certificate, 'the unavoidable consequence will be that notice must be given to the public not to send any more fever patients to the Hospital'. Hyde adds that he is sorry to say that from the number of applications for admission, fever appears to be increasing in the Metropolis. He further adds that the Hospital has been open for public inspection during the last ten days, and that the mechanical means employed for ventilation have been proved publically to be 'perfectly successful'.
Date: 27/07/1849
Last import: September 11, 2017

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