Cha [Charles] Carkese to Charles Delafaye concerning letters from Lymington [Hampshire] and Hamble [?Hamble le …

Description: Cha [Charles] Carkese to Charles Delafaye concerning letters from Lymington [Hampshire] and Hamble [?Hamble le Rice, Hampshire] concerning quarantine [imposed on account of reports of plague in France and the Mediterranean], and complaints that officers of Southton [Southampton, Hampshire?] are boarding ships. Dated at Customs House, London. Enclosing: Extract of letter from the collector and controller at Portsmouth, describing quarantine enforcement, mentioning Captain Clark's yacht guarding the entrance of St Helen's, the Bolton Yacht and Mr Imber guarding the entrance at Hurste, and the Kinsale man-o-war.
Date: 10/11/1720
Last import: September 11, 2017

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