Folios 373-376. To: The General Board of Health. From: Richard Sharp, Mayor, Lymington [Hampshire]. Letter …

Description: Folios 373-376. To: The General Board of Health. From: Richard Sharp, Mayor, Lymington [Hampshire]. Letter acknowledging receipt of a letter dated 18 December 1857. Sharp states in reply that 'in consequence of the Municipal Boundary of this Borough comprising only a small part of the town, and such being a very small portion of the parish, there are great difficulties in raising the requisite funds for carrying into effect the Nuisances Removal Act 1855'. He encloses a memorial [petition] to the Home Secretary from the Town Council of Lymington requesting that steps may be taken to give the borough an extended boundary. Sharp explains that, in the meantime, a Sanitary Inspector is to act within the present boundary, and it is intended to appoint such Officer at a meeting of the Council, specially convened for 7 December 1857.
Date: 02/12/1857
Last import: September 11, 2017

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