Folios 627-628. To: The Home Secretary. From: [J B Hale], Chairman of the Suburbs Lighting …

Description: Folios 627-628. To: The Home Secretary. From: [J B Hale], Chairman of the Suburbs Lighting Commissioners, Gloucester [Gloucestershire]. Letter submitting, with reference to a print of the Local Government Act Supplemental Bill, that the repeal of the existing lighting powers of the Commissioners, as regards that portion of their district which lies within the extended limits of the City of Gloucester, with a view to the Local Board of Health taking upon themselves the lighting of such portion, 'will work great injustice upon the inhabitants and ratepayers of the remaining portions of the suburbs'. It is explained that 'the effect of dismembering the Commissioners' district would be to render it impracticable to extend the lighting of the suburbs, or at all events to greatly retard such extension beyond the existing limits'. The Home Secretary is asked to reconsider the proposed measure.
Date: 14/08/1860
Last import: September 11, 2017

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