Folios 529-530. To: Terry and Robinson, Bradford, [Yorkshire]. From: The Local Government Act Office. A …

Description: Folios 529-530. To: Terry and Robinson, Bradford, [Yorkshire]. From: The Local Government Act Office. A letter regarding the remission of surcharges previously levied against the Idle Local Board for disallowed payments. The Office first deal with questions Terry and Robinson forwarded for the Home Secretary, which have not been answered. The Office say they did not think to put these questions before the Home Secretary, as they presumed these were questions that Terry and Robinson's clients wished to have the Home Secretary asked in Parliament. As to the surcharges, the Office say that they point the matter revolves around is whether a letter sent to the Idle Local Board by the Office on 9 March 1868 justifies their subsequent expenditure. The inspector at an inquiry into the matter decided not and recommended the confirmation of the surcharges. However, in the subsequent second appeal, the felt that the Idle Board had demonstrated they expended no more than was necessary in their course, so decided to remit the surcharges. However, the Office recognise that Terry and Robinson's clients should have had an opportunity to oppose this decision, so the Home Secretary has now suspended the remission order so that opposition may be heard.
Date: 30/03/1870
Last import: September 11, 2017

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