Folios 139-140. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: John Cheetham, former Chairman of the …

Description: Folios 139-140. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: John Cheetham, former Chairman of the Hyde Local Board, Hyde [Cheshire]. A letter appealing against surcharges made against Cheetham for payments, connected with petitioning against and sending a deputation regarding the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 1869, disallowed by W Roberts in his audit of the Hyde Board's accounts. Cheetham admits that these payments were not entirely legal, but asks for the surcharges to be remitted, as he was acting in the best interests of the Hyde District, opposing portions of the 1869 Act that would have heavily burdened the rates of Hyde, already swelled by repayments of monies borrowed under the Public Works (Manufacturing Districts) Act 1864 to alleviate unemployment during the cotton famine. Cheetham says the petition and deputation were successful, a more suitable pecuniary arrangement having been achieved for Cheshire. In light of this he requests that the Home Secretary will remit the surcharges made against him.
Date: 02/05/1870
Last import: September 11, 2017

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