Folios 100-104. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: J Hibbert, Clerk to the Hyde …

Description: Folios 100-104. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: J Hibbert, Clerk to the Hyde Local Board, Hyde, [Cheshire]. A letter and a copy of a letter sent by Hibbert to W Roberts, the District Auditor responsible for auditing the Hyde Board's accounts. Hibbert complains that Roberts, the auditor, is not complying with his duty and auditing the Hyde Board's accounts in a reasonable time. Hibbert complains that Roberts' audits are often months delayed, and he is not compliant with Hibbert's request for early audit dates. He encloses one such letter requesting Roberts' early attention to the accounts. Hibbert suggests that a competent person might be appointed as an auditor of the Hyde Board's accounts, their salary made up out of the Board's District Rates.
Date: 07/05/1867
Last import: September 11, 2017

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