Folios 20-21. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: William Toy, Clerk to the Hurst …

Description: Folios 20-21. To: The Local Government Act Office. From: William Toy, Clerk to the Hurst Local Board, 154 Stamford Street, Ashton-under-Lyme, [Lancashire]. A letter informing the Office that the Local Board recently summoned two ratepayers for non-payment of their General District Rate. Before the Justices, the defendants' solicitors stated that their clients were not bound to pay the Rate because the Hurst Board did not have a District with a defined boundary. Toy disputed this. He relates that the ratepayers in question have just been included in a Highway District which takes in a portion of the Hurst Board's District - having paid a Highway Rate they declined to pay the Hurst Board's Rate. Toy asks whether the Home Secretary might be able to make a Provisional Order legally defining the Hurst Board's District.
Date: 11/01/1865
Last import: September 11, 2017

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