William Wood, Custom House, to Mr. Burley. Refers to the Officers of the Customs at …

Description: William Wood, Custom House, to Mr. Burley. Refers to the Officers of the Customs at Plymouth and Hull in relation to the manufacture of plantation and Swedish tar into pitch. The Board opined that pitch made in Great Britain out of plantation tar ought to repay the Bounty, which was allowed upon the tar before it was made into pitch. John Lewis of Plymouth has threatened to bring an action against them for refusing to admit a quantity of pitch manufactured from plantation tar to an entry outwards until he had a certificate from the Board that he had repaid the Bounty received. The Commissioners opine your Board should indemnify and defend the Officers of the Customs and you are to signify the Board's resolution for the government of the Officers of the Customs.
Date: 22/11/1753
Last import: September 11, 2017

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