Commissioner Richard Hughes, Portsmouth. Receipt of Thomas Trusty’s letter, which will be returned to you …

Description: Commissioner Richard Hughes, Portsmouth. Receipt of Thomas Trusty's letter, which will be returned to you and another with instructions to write to Captain Reynolds of the Arundel to make out and deliver a complete set of pay books and to supervise payment before she sails. Receipt of warrant ordering that the new 44-gun ship, being built by Mr Janverin on the Beaulieu River, is to be named the Woolwich, to carry out Captain Petts' suggestions concerning the Master's and Lieutenant's cabins in the coach of the Greenwich, to clean and tallow the Tartar and to enter Thomas Beevins and Thomas Seymour as Boatswains of the Lion and Arundel, and James Kiero and Samuel Ham as Carpenters of the Centurion and Newcastle. Is sending a demand for glass and a letter from the Clerk of the Cheque asking for an imprest. The Centurion sailed to and has now left Spithead and the Tartar arrived in harbour.
Date: 11/05/1748
Last import: September 12, 2017

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