Commissioner Richard Hughes, Portsmouth. Receipt of letters, warrants and packets for Commissioner Trefusis at Port …

Description: Commissioner Richard Hughes, Portsmouth. Receipt of letters, warrants and packets for Commissioner Trefusis at Port Mahon, Mr Larking, Storekeeper at Gibraltar and Mr Hinde, Storekeeper at Jamaica, to refit the Lenox, Suffolk, Prince Frederick, Dreadnought and Fly Sloop for foreign service, to receive ground glass, to enter John George, Carpenter of the Exeter and John Robinson and John Hollis, Carpenters of the ships building at Beaulieu and Liverpool, to receive anchors and cables supplied for the Master of a transport, belonging to Captain Young of the Kinsale, to Lieutenant Brodrick Hartwell, to send the same to Deptford and to alter the Christian name of Pendell, Boatswain of the Serpent Sloop. Yesterday, the Princess Amelia and the Deptford Storeship were docked.
Date: 09/01/1745
Last import: September 12, 2017

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