Description: An incomplete and flat copper alloy object of zoomorphic form, probably dating to the late Roman or Early-Medieval period (c.AD 43-1100). It consists of a curving fragment (probably the neck) with an old break at one end revealing a rectangular cross-section 6.3x1.9mm, while the other end extends into a head which turns back above the curving section. Above the head projects a C-shaped ear, facing forwards, with a bulge on opposing sides for the brow ridge and the jaw/ cheek, and from the open mouth a pair of curling lip-lappets extend; one survives, the other has a worn break after 1mm. The reverse of the object has a smooth but undecorated patina, while the front of the object has alternate groups of transverse groove and punched oval decoration (occasionally overlapping). From the break at the neck are five transverse/ diagonal grooves followed by a line of five oval punches at the centre, followed by four diagonal grooves. Beyond this are another four punches and two transverse grooves before the head. At the centre of the head is an oval punch for the eye and beyond another two transverse grooves. The surviving lappet is decorated with four transverse grooves, a circular punch, a C-shaped punch, three transverse grooves and finishes with a C-shaped punch. All punch marks retain a shiny, silvery colour. The metal is otherwise a mid-bright green in colour. The object measures 22.7 mm in length, 25.4mm in height/ width, max.2.4mm in thickness (min. 1.7mm at the lappet) and weighs 2.84g. While no parallel can be found at this time, the object is similar to parts of military buckles and fittings from the late Roman period as well as Late Early-Medieval bridle cheekpiece decorations, for example.
Date: 43 - 1100


Last import: September 28, 2017

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