1. William Hale of the Hollies in the parish of Enfield co Staffs gentleman and…

Description: 1. William Hale of the Hollies in the parish of Enfield co Staffs gentleman and John Hale son and heir of William 2. Thomas Pardoe of Cleeton in the parish of Bitterley gentleman and John Pardoe his son and heir of Cleeton gentleman 3. John Lowe of Clee Stanton yeoman and Susanna his wife, eldest daughter and one of the coheir of the said John Pardoe 4. Mary Pardoe of Cleeton spinster, 2nd daughter and another of the cohairs of John Pardoe 5. Joyce Pardoe an orphant 3rd and youngest daughter of John Pardoe A marriage is intended between John Hale and Joyce Pardoe Consideration: the marriage, £240 to be paid to John Hale out of the personal estate of Joyce Pardoe or secured to be paid Covenant within 2 years to convey to Thomas Pardoe and John Pardoe or the survivor and their heirs property in Enfeild and Kinfare co Staffs and in Alveley and Kinges Nordley in the parish of Alveley co Salop, except a parcel of land in Nordley Regis in the parish of Alveley called Birchybanck, to these uses:- the capital messuage at the Hollies, Enfield, (William Hale), except the little parlour, the chamber over it and the chamber over the kitchen, to use of John Hale for life, after the heirs of the body of Joyce Pardoe by John Hale, for default of issue, to the right heirs of John Hale; the little parlour etc to use of William Hale for life, after to use of John Hale for life, after to use of the heirs of the body of Joyce by John and for want of issue the right heirs of John; a messuage (sometime Margaret Columbine) called the Lower House, now William Hale, with garden and orchard, close called the orchard adjoining, meadow adjoining, the church meadowe, the over closse, 2 inclosures called the lower leasowes, Thistle croft, greene leasowe whereon is a tenement lately built and now in the holding of Richard Careswell, a tenement (now William Darby) with garden and orchard, a cottage (James Hillman) with garden orchard and closse adjoining, all in Enfield, a meadow in the parish of Kinfare near to Chester roade, another messuage in two parts divided with gardens and orchards and with 10 leasowes (late Thomas Owen, now Roger Clarke and Richard Cowell), 3 acres field land in Alveley, Astley and Nordley Regis in the parish of Alveley, to use of John Hale for life, after to use of Joyce for life for jointure, after to use of sons in succession and heirs male of their bodies, in default to use of daughters and heirs male of their bodies, in default to the use of the right heirs of William Hale; any other property to use of William Hale for life, after to use of John Hale for life, heirs of the body of John on the body of Joyce, or the right heirs of William Hale Covenant by William Hale that immediately after the marriage he will give John all his store of corn and grain in his barns and ricks and sown on the lands called the Hollies, and all cattle, horses sheep and tack of teams, to use of John his executors and administrators, and will suffer the parcel called Birchy bank to descend and come to John Hale and heirs according to the course of common law notwithstanding any act done by William to hinder it. He will at any time hereafter demise to John his executors and administrators all his lands and tenements except the little parlor, the chamber over it and the chamber over the kitchen limited for his life, with the said Birchy bank, for 60 years or life of William at a rent of £50 with reentry after 40 days. John Hale covenants with the trustees that the property intended for Joyce's joinutre is worth and shall remain at the clear yearly value of £50 Thomas Pardoe, John Pardoe, John Lowe, Susannah his wife, Mary Pardoe, Joyce Pardoe and John Hale are agreed that such portion and division shall be had between the parties of the property of which Thomas and John Pardoe are seized and which by law ought to descend to Susannah, Mary and Joyce as coheirs. John Hale covenants for himself and heirs and for Joyce his intended wife that the property in Cleeton in the parish of Bitterley and the salt phate in Droit wich co Worcs shal be to use of Susannah and Mary and their heirs as their part as tenents in common, to be divided between them hereafter if they see cause. John and his wife when she come of age shall make assurance for relinquishing Joyce's title Thomas Pardoe and John Pardoe for themselves, John Lowe for himself and Susannah his wife and Mary Pardoe for herself covenant that the capital messuage called Moore Hall and lands in Kinlett shall be the portion of Joyce and her heirs and shall be settled, a moiety of Moorehall and a moiety of the lands to use of John Hale and Joyce for their lives and the survivor's, after to use of the heirs of their bodies and for want of issue to use of Joyce and her heirs; as to the other moiety, to use of John Pardoe for life, after to use of John Hale and Joyce for their lives and the successor's, after to use of the heirs of the body of Joyce by John, after to the use of Joyce and her heirs. Thomas and John Pardoe covenant with John Lowe, Susannah his wife and Mary Pardoe that they will make assurance of the property in Bitterley and Droitwich to Susannah and Mary and their heirs when Joyce comes of age, saving to Thomas and John the estate they ought to have for their lives by any former settlement. John Pardoe covenants that John Hale and Joyce shall hold the Moorehall and lands on paying to John Pardoe yearly during his life £24. If Thomas Pardoe survive John Pardoe, then Thomas shall have £10 p.a. during his life out of the property A settlement shall be made when Joyce comes of age. Till then, if any advantage can be taken by any lease chattell now possessed in right of Thomas Pardoe and John Pardoe in Clee Stanton, John Hale agrees that he will take no benefit from it, but it shall be to Susannah and Mary, saving the rights of Thomas and John Pardoe If the marriage be not solemnized before 1 July next, then these articles shall be void Signatures of John Pardoe, Joyce Pardoe Witnesses:- Thomas Grove, Thomas Pardoe junior, Robert Pyke, Robert James (mark) Francis Jorden It was agreed before sealing that if Joyce die without issue by John Hale, then he shall only hold one moiety of the estate at Moorehall for his life, and if he die without issue by Joyce, then she is content to accept £30 p.a. for jointure instead of £50
Date: 01/01/1679 - 31/12/1679
Last import: September 11, 2017

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