Hurst Castle in 1903

Hurst Castle in 1903. Credit: National Archives. COPY 1-466-365 NFK

The National Archives holds this photo of Hurst Castle taken from the sea on in 1903 by William James Day. COPY 1/466/365

In the photo (left hand corner) you can see the 1902 additions to the west wing which was a new battery (right to left you can see) the battle command post and then one of the two new gun emplacements. The two emplacements were fronted with sloped glacis allowing for two 12 pound quick firing guns on barbette mountings. The walls of the emplacements were formed in mass concrete and at the rear incorporated recesses for shells and cartridges, fronted by steel doors. Concrete steps with handrails formed from gas pipe provided access to the raised platform of each emplacement. You can see the 1902 plans for these additions in the National Archives under WORK 31/710 or on New Forest Knowledge Here: Hurst Castle in 1902

Description: ‘Photograph of the sea with Hurst Castle darkly outlined on the left, sailing ships on the right, and fine sky’.

Copyright owner of work: William James Day, trading as E Day & Son, 9 Lansdowne Road, Bournemouth.

Copyright author of work: William James Day, 9 Lansdowne Road, Bournemouth.

Form completed: 20 October 1903. Registration stamp: 1903 October 22.

You can discover more articles about Hurst Castle on New Forest Knowledge by visiting: Hurst Castle – Overview

Date: 1903

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